220030, Minsk, Nezavisimosti avenue, 11/2 off. 507

Debt collection

We are pleased to offer comprehensive legal assistance in the field of debt recovery that will save your material and human resources. We will assist you in recovering your debts quickly and cost-effectively and also help you not to spoil relations with your debtor.

Rates for debt collection are calculated in cooperation with you in order to meet all your expectations from our work.

We will provide full legal assistance in debt recovery procedure, which includes the following components:

Pre-suit letter

In some cases sending a pre-suit letter to the debtor is crucial for debt recovery.

We offer professional services in preparation of the pre-suit letter, such as:

• legal analysis of necessary documents;

• gathering the essential evidence;

• drafting pre-suit letter;

• negotiating with the debtor.

Debt collection in a summary proceedings

If the pre-suit letter does not have an anticipated effect and if there is a reason to believe that the debt can only be collected through the court, then the most effective and rapid measure is initiating summary proceedings. This option is the most preferrable due to its lower rates of court fee, as well as reduced term of considering application for issuing a court decision (no more than 20 working days from the date of receipt of creditor’s application).

Our service of debt collection in summary proceedings includes preparation of a package of all necessary documents to apply for this kind of procedure.

Filling a statement of claim

The most common category of claims in economic courts are proceedings for the recovery of debt. In preparation of the statement of claim for the debt recovery you must comply with all requirements established by legislation.

We can offer you the following services in this matter:

• preliminary study of the documents, preparation of legal position to the case;

• preparation of the statement of claim;

• detailed and grounded calculation of debt;

• preparation of applications, explanations and other documents to the court.

We will help you to get the court decision in your favor most effectively and in the shortest possible period of time.

Proceedings in the court of appeal, cassation and supervisory courts

There situations when the creditor is not satisfied with the court decision and appeals to a higher court arise quite regularly.

To protect your rights Belarusian legislation provides for review of the primary court decision in the court of appeal, cassation and supervisory courts.

The effectiveness of the appeal depends largely on compliance of the complaint with all the statutory requirements normally imposed to it.

Adherence to all the statutory criteria contributes to the quick acceptance of the case for hearing by the higher court.

We are pleased to offer you the legal aid in the matters of preparation of appellate, cassation and supervisory complaints. You can also ask us for prior consultation for assessment of chances to successfully appeal for the recovery of debt.

Debt collection in executive procedure

Unfortunately, the existence of a decision in your favor does not always guarantee returning funds. Unfair debtors and an immense workload of bailiffs could delay the recovery of debt.

We provide legal assistance in the executive procedure, which amounts to the following:

• advice on executive procedure;

• preparation of application for initiating executive procedure;

• preparation of applications for seizure of funds on the debtor’s accounts, arrest of the debtor’s property and other executive measures;

• appeal for actions (inaction) of the bailiffs.

The charge for our services within legal aid in enforcement proceedings depends on the size of collected funds in your favor and saves your costs in case of insignificant results of our work.

We will facilitate the execution of court decision in the shortest possible period of time.

Our services are not limited to economic justice of the Republic of Belarus. We are also ready to offer you an advice on debt recovery in international arbitration courts located in Belarus and abroad.

Working with us you get a reliable partner of a whole team of professionals.

Phone:  +375 29 903 75 24 (Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp);

+375 17 209 94 70

E-mail: buro24@tut.by


220030, Minsk, Nezavisimosti avenue, 11/2 off. 507